Notice: Water Shortage Surcharge and Sewer Service Rate Adjustment
November 9, 2023, The Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District (EVMWD) Board of Directors adopted proposed water shortage surcharges and proposed sewer service rate adjustments. Notices of the proposed changes were mailed on September 25, 2023.
Rate Studies:
2023 Water Shortage Surcharge Memo
2023 Wastewater Rate Study Report
2021 Rate Study – Water & Sewer
2019 Rate Study – Water
2017 Rate Study – Water
Public Notices:
Water Shortage Surcharge – Temescal
Water Shortage Surcharge – Elsinore
Sewer Service Rate Adjustment – Elsinore
Recargo por Escasez de Agua- Temescal
Recargo por Escasez de Agua- Elsinore
Ajuste de la Tarifa del Servicio de Alcantarillado
Video: Water Shortage Surcharge and Sewer Service Rate Adjustment
October 17, 2023, EVMWD held a Special Study Session to present the proposed sewer rate and water shortage contingency surcharges.
Notice: Water Service Rate Changes Effective July 1
On July 1, 2023, Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District (EVMWD) will institute a 5% CPI pass through in addition to previously noticed rates. EVMWD works diligently to minimize rate increases; however, some rate adjustments are necessary due to external cost pressures.
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Calculate your anticipated monthly bill using our bill estimator.
Click on each tab below to learn more information about EVMWD’s rates and fees.
EVMWD is continually working to keep costs as low as possible for our customers while providing clean, reliable water. We are here to assist customers facing financial challenges. EVMWD offers assistance programs and partners with community organizations to provide additional sources of aid. For more information, please visit
The District is divided into 2 divisions for the purposes of billing water:
- Elsinore Water Division
- Temescal Water Division
Residential and Landscape Irrigation customers are billed on a water budget based block rate program in order to promote conservation among ratepayers. Residential customers have an indoor water budget based on the number of residents in the home and an outdoor water budget that is based upon the irrigated landscape area square footage for their property, evapotranspiration rates and landscape water needs. For more information on WATER BUDGETS, click here.
All water is billed in units of a hundred cubic feet, called CCF, which is equal to 748 gallons.
The following document is part of the District’s Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR), compare monthly rates for water service for the District and other local agencies.
Sewer Rates as of 7/1/2024
EVMWD is committed to providing safe, reliable and affordable sewer service to the communities we serve. The sewer rates the District charges are developed to reflect the true cost of providing service and ensure the same level of service in the future.
EVMWD customers previously paid a flat (fixed) rate for sewer service, which doesn’t account for the impacts that households have on the sewer system. The most significant impact comes from the number of people living in each home.
To more accurately reflect the costs of providing sewer service, EVMWD’s Board of Directors adopted a variable residential rate structure based on the actual number of people living in a home. The variable charge will cover the cost of collecting and transporting sewage to the treatment plant, chemical supplies and disposal.
Under this new structure, bills are based on the number of people in the home, multiplied by the variable charge, and adding the total to the new lower fixed rate.
Learn more about variable sewer!
The following document is part of the District’s Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR), compare monthly rates for sewer service for the District and other local agencies.
Directly related to the amount of water a property consumes is the Power Zone charge. This charge is for the energy required to pump water to an elevation that is appropriate to serve your home.
Every property served by the District is also charged a service charge, or fixed meter charge. This charge covers the cost of maintaining meters, processing bills, posting payments and repairing water mains. The charge is prorated daily based on a 30 day charge. The charge applies to all accounts, regardless of water usage. A majority of the District’s customers are in the Elsinore division. Each division includes residential, commercial and landscape irrigation customers; all of which are billed at different rates.