EVMWD is committed to being a transparent organization to promote accountability and provide customers with information. EVMWD welcomes feedback from customers regarding ways to further improve transparency. Please email your questions or comments to DistrictSecretary@evmwd.net
- Notice of Disposition of Accumulated Unclaimed Deposits
- EVMWD Administrative Code
- EVMWD Agency Profile
- EVMWD Strategic Plan Overview
- EVMWD Strategic Plan – 2021 -2026
- Authorizing Statute/Enabling Act – Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District is an agency of the State of California, duly organized under the Municipal Water District Act of 1911. Recognizing the need for a reliable supply of water, local citizens approved formation of the district in an election held on December 5, 1950. The powers of the District are vested in a Board of Directors made up of five members elected by voters from five separate divisions. The Directors are responsible for the selection of the general manager, legal and fiscal consultants, and for the establishment of procedures for the employment of all District personnel. The Board sets policies related to all actions taken and all services rendered by the district.
- District Map EVMWD’s service are includes 97 square miles and includes the communities of Lake Elsinore, Canyon Lake, Wildomar, Murrieta, and the unincorporated communities of Lakeland Village, Horsethief Canyon, Sedco Hills, The Farm, Cleveland Ridge, Rancho Capistrano-El Cariso Village and Temescal Canyon.
- EVMWD Financial Information – Annual Operating Budgets, Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports, and more.
- Board of Directors Best Management Practices
- General Manager
- General Manager Contract | General Manager Contract Addendum
- Board of Directors – The Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District is governed by a five member board of directors who are elected to staggered four year terms by registered voters within their divisions as defined by the Division boundary map.
- Board of Directors Compensation and Benefits – Board Directors receive a per meeting compensation of $244.13, with a maximum of 10 meetings per month as well as other benefits. State Controller – EVMWD Board of Directors Pay
- Election procedure and deadlines-more information can be found at the Riverside County Registrar of Voters website. (http://www.voteinfo.net/)
- Regular meetings of the Board of Directors are open to the public and held on the second and fourth Thursday of each month at 4:00 p.m. at 31315 Chaney St., Lake Elsinore.
- Board Meeting Agenda: Agendas are posted at the EVMWD website pursuant to Government Code 54954.2(a)(1) and Government Code Section 54956
- Staff Compensation and Benefits – Salary Schedule, Job Description with Step Information, Benefits
- Public Information Requests: All public records of the Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District (EVMWD) are available for review by the public in accordance with the California Public Records Act, Section 6250 and following of the Government Code. Please submit a Public Records Request or send an email to publicrecordsrequest@evmwd.onmicrosoft.com.
- Catalog of Enterprise Systems: SB 272
The Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District is a proud recipient of the District Transparency Certificate of Excellence by the Special District Leadership Foundation (SDLF) in recognition of its outstanding efforts to promote transparency and good governance.