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CEQA Information

California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Compliance
Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND)

All construction projects in the State of California are required to comply with the CEQA.  The purpose of the IS/MND is to determine if the project will have any effects on the environment. The Mitigated Negative Declaration lists these potential impacts and how EVMWD plans to minimize those impacts.

Regional Water Reclamation Facility Upgrade and Expansion Project
Notice of Determination – Regional Water Reclamation Facility Upgrade and Expansion Project
Third Addendum to the Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration – Regional Water Reclamation Facility Upgrade and Expansion Project

Contact information:

  • Email to Parag Kalaria with the subject line:
    • Regional Water Reclamation Facility Upgrade and Expansion Project – Mitigated Negative Declaration Comments” or
  • Mail to P.O. Box 3000, Lake Elsinore, CA 92531