Unclaimed funds are funds due back to customers, developers, and other entities that have not been claimed for a period of three or more years.
Government Code Sections 50050-50056 allow EVMWD to make unclaimed monies available for general use and specifies that they must have remained unclaimed on the District’s books for a period of three years or more. It has been the District’s practice to follow these Government Code sections.
Each year, the District produces a list of individuals and business entities to whom the District has unpaid amounts owing, un-cashed checks, or monies on the books that have remained outstanding for three years. The District has accumulated these monies as a result of refunds relating to closed water accounts, and developer inspection fees. These monies remain unclaimed due to being returned undeliverable with no forwarding address, companies closing or filing bankruptcies, or various other reasons. Staff has performed due diligence to reissue unclaimed checks to a valid address by comparing the existing business address with current databases and a Google search.
The government code also specifies that before a transfer to general fund use can take place, the Board of Directors must authorize the transfer and appropriate notice must be given in a local newspaper. Upon authorization from the Board, staff will fulfill the public notice requirement and claimants will have 45 days from the first publication date to file a verifiable claim. All claims submitted will be reviewed and verified by staff.
EVMWD List of Unclaimed Monies Updated 02/22/2024
List contains unclaimed monies 01/01/2021 – 03/31/2023
To apply for unclaimed funds, please submit this form
Or print a Request for Unclaimed Monies application and mail to:
EVMWD – Accounts Receivable
31315 Chaney Street,
Lake Elsinore, CA 92530