All bundles will include the following educational materials:
Where Does My Water Come From?
This colorful cartoon style map shows EVMWD’s three water sources- Imported water from the Colorado River and the State Water Project, Groundwater sources and surface sources (Canyon Lake). Laminated.
Little Splash
Little Splash is a collection of activity and coloring pages–including reading, writing, coloring, drawing, and working puzzles that teach concepts about water. Students follow Little Splash through water education activities and use critical-thinking skills. They will learn that “water is life” and will become aware of its properties, its importance, its uses, and how it directly relates to them. Little Splash also links to current K-3 Content Standards for Science and History-Social Science.
All About Water
This book contains 26 experiments and activities about water conservation, water quality, water distribution, the water cycle and fresh and salt water. The activities are interdisciplinary.
Wendell’s Water Conservation Booklet
A fun activity books that helps kids to learn about the importance of conservation!