Ensuring Lead and Copper Free Water is a Community Effort
At EVMWD, we are committed to providing clean, safe and reliable tap water to our customers. Each year, EVMWD meets or exceeds state and Federal standards by performing more than 17,000 water quality tests on its drinking water. Per state standards, EVMWD conducts tap water testing for the presence of lead and copper, in homes built prior to 1986, which are more likely to have lead pipes, fixtures and solder.
We need you!
EVMWD offers free water testing for copper and lead for your home. We will provide the sample kit, you provide your tap water on the scheduled pickup date. That’s it! EVMWD will follow up with your water results.
No staff will need to enter your home, just leave the sample on your porch for pick up.
No cost to participate.
Ready to take action*?
Please email us at OpsDispatch@evmwd.net or call (951) 674-3146 x 8395
*Note: Homes with water softeners/conditioners cannot be used for this testing program